Chinese Delegation Visited Helsinki for the Opening Event of Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute

The Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute was implemented with the two days opening ceremonies of the institute, hosted by the University of Helsinki. The event was organized by Rector Jukka Kola, Vice-Rector Anna Mauranen, Dean Patrik Scheinin from the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences and Professor, Dr. Hannele Niemi from the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences. The ceremonies gathered a highly distinguished group of guests from Beijing Normal University and other Chinese universities from the field of education. Also the Institutes Finnish board of directors, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Culture and other distinguished actors from the field of education were present.

All participants of the opening event 
Before the opening ceremonies there was some time to get to know each other at a casual together for a morning coffee and tea hosted by Vice Rector Anna Mauranen. The get together was held  at the main building of University of Helsinki in Lehtisai that holds portraits of important figures for Finnish education and culture on its walls as Dean, Professor Patrick Scheinin pointed out in his speech.

Vice Rector Anna Mauranen welcoming the guests to the opening event

Vice Presidet Zhou Zuoyu (周作宇) from Beijing Normal University giving an inspirational speech on the Sino-Finnish collaboration in education
The official opening ceremonies constituted of inspiring speeches about what has been done for the Sino-Finnish collaboration in education already and the positive expectations for the future collaboration. 

On the afternoon sessions of the events first day the participants had a pleasure to enjoy the hospitality of the Ministry of Education and Culture when the dialogue on the five centers of the Sino-Finnish Joint Innovation Institute was opened. This productive dialogue also continued on the second day of the event in the building of Behavioral Sciences at Siltavuorenpenger with a slightly smaller group of people.

Professor Hannele Niemi, Chair of the Finnish Board of Directors of the Sino-Finnish Joint  Learning Institute welcoming the guests to the afternoon session and opening the conversation on the Institutes five centers

Vice President, Professor Zhou Zuoyu (周作宇) finishing the presentation of the Chinese perspective on the  Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute
After the two days opening event there was some time for the Chinese delegation also to make field trips to the LUMA- center and the Viikki Teacher Training School affiliated to the University of Helsinki.