Workshop proposals should include:
Workshop Theme
1. Keywords of workshop and papers
2. Narrative of workshop theme connotation (within 1000 words)
3. “Call for Papers” notice draft
4. Names, service organization, email, and brief introduction of workshop chair, co-chair
5. Workshop Committee (about 3 to 5 persons)
Important Dates:
1. Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: February 8, 2017
2. Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification: February 15, 2017
3. Deadline for URL of your workshop to be ready: February 22, 2017
4. Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017 (4 pages for short paper, 8 pages for long paper)
5. Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification: April 10, 2017
6. Workshop Paper Finalized Deadline: April 20, 2017
7. Workshop Authors Registration Deadline: April 23, 2017
Proposal Submission:
Please send your proposals to:
Min-Hsien LEE ( Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan),
Ching Sing CHAI ( Institute of Education, Singapore),
Yan DONG (Beijing Normal University, China),
Paper submission due
22 Jan 2017 Extended to 9 Feb 2016
Notification of acceptance
19 Mar 2017
Camera-ready paper submission
9 Apr 2017
Conference period
Jun 3-6 2017