GCCCE 2017
C1:Science of Learning and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
C2:Digital Classroom, Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning
C3:Joyful Learning and Society
C4:Technology in Higher Education and Human Performance
C5:Teacher Professional Development and Educational Policy
C6:Technology Enhanced Language Learning
C7:Learning Analysis, Assessment, and Artificial Intelligence in Education
C8:Maker and STEM Education
C9:Digital Technology, Innovation, and Education
Teacher Forum
Doctoral Student Forum
Please visit EasyChair(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccce2017) for GCCCE 2017.
How to use EasyChair to submit an article
(1) Registration

Visit EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccce2017) to sign up for an account if you do not have one.
Enter your First Name, Last Name and Your Email, EasyChair will send you a confirmation mail. (Please use the email that the PC chair use to contact with you, if you are a PC member)
Receive the mail in your mailbox for a link to edit your account (user name and password). Remember the user name and password you set, you will use the user name / password to log in.
Login EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccce2017)

(2) Submit an article

Click [New Submission], choose the sub-conference.
Enter the information of your article, click [Submit], EasyChair will send you a confirmation mail.

(3) Update the information of article

Click [My Submissions]->Choose the article->Click[Update information] to modify [Title],[Abstract],[Category] or [Keywords]->Click [Change Information]

(4) My Submissions
Click [My Submissions], you can see all your articles.

Contributions should be made in English or in Chinese (Full paper: 8 pages; Short paper: 4 pages; Poster* 2 pages).
*Poster papers should be made in 2 pages of the paper template file. Please submit a poster paper in a file with no more than 2 pages.
For Chinese papers, the title, abstract, and keywords should be provided with both Chinese and English versions.
The paper should be uploaded onto the Paper Submission System in PDF file format.
Please use the "Paper Template File" here ([Chinese] [English] ) for preparing your paper.
Copyright from download


The deadline of GCCCE 2017 paper submission is extended to 9 February 2017. Please submit your papers to the conference paper submission system.
Thank you for your support!

Important Dates

Paper submission due

22 Jan 2017  Extended to 9 Feb 2017

Notification of acceptance

19 Mar 2017  Extended to 5 Apr 2017

Camera-ready paper submission

9 Apr 2017  Extended to 15 Apr 2017

Conference period

Jun 3-6 2017