Title: Research on the Evolution of Teachers' Knowledge Sharing Network Strategies in the Online Training Space
作者:王莉莉; 陈玲
Authors: Wang Lili; Chen Ling
Keywords: Online training; Knowledge sharing; Scale-free network; Evolutionary game
Abstract: Teachers' knowledge sharing plays an important role in promoting teachers' online training. In order to reveal the micro-mechanism of how the influencing factors of teachers' knowledge sharing strategy selection in the online training space change over time, this research explored the structure of teachers' knowledge sharing network, constructed an evolutionary game model by combining the complex network theory, and used simulation techniques to dynamically deduce the diffusion phenomenon of teachers' knowledge sharing behaviors with the scale-free network as the carrier. The research found that teachers' knowledge collaboration ability, knowledge sharing benefits, and knowledge sharing costs have significant impacts on teachers' adoption of knowledge sharing strategies. Compared with large-scale knowledge sharing networks, small-scale knowledge sharing networks are more sensitive to teachers' choice of sharing strategies. When the knowledge sharing network evolves for a certain number of times, the degree of network central nodes has no significant impact on teachers' choice of knowledge sharing strategies. Based on this, the research put forward relevant suggestions for teachers' knowledge sharing in the online training space.