Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Education

陈思睿,余胜泉.教育数字化转型的数据赋能基础与实践[J].电化教育研究,2024,45(06):66-73.DOI:10.13811/j.cnki.eer.2024.06.008. Chen Sirui, Yu Shengquan. The Data Empowerment Foundation and Practice of Educational Digital Transformation [J]. E-Education Research, 2024, 45(06): 66 - 73. DOI: 10.13811/j.cnki.eer.2024.06.008.


Title: The Data Empowerment Foundation and Practice of Educational Digital Transformation

作者:陈思睿; 余胜泉

Authors: Chen Sirui; Yu Shengquan


Keywords: Digital transformation; Educational information ecology; Data empowerment; Educational governance; Educational services


Abstract: The digital transformation of education is an inevitable trend in the development and reform of education, and leveraging data to empower the improvement of educational quality is the key and difficult point of the current digital transformation. Firstly, from the perspectives of information ecology and data flow, this research analyzes the causes of the problem that existing data is difficult to effectively empower educational practice, and accordingly puts forward the basic principle for data to empower the high-quality development of education - to establish a service system for efficient data flow based on the principle of promoting the business collaboration and efficiency improvement of people in educational governance. Secondly, taking the architecture design and application form of the public education service platform "Intelligent Learning Companion" as an example, it explains how to build data services oriented to multi-role business collaboration and explores the practical path for effectively using data to empower the improvement of regional educational quality. The research proposes that through the centralization of educational data, the interpretability of analysis models, and the customization of application services, it can effectively promote the educational business collaboration based on data flow and achieve the improvement of the total factor productivity in educational governance.