Title: The Cognitive Outsourcing Trap in the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education and How to Overcome It
作者:余胜泉, 汪凡淙
Authors: Yu Shengquan, Wang Fancong
Keywords: Intelligent technology; Human-machine collaboration; Cognitive outsourcing; Key competencies; Teaching reform.
Abstract: In the intelligent era, the gap between the explosively growing information and the limited cognitive ability of the human brain is widening day by day. People need to rely on external devices to enhance their own cognitive abilities so as to better adapt to the complex modern society. Thus, cognitive outsourcing has become an inevitable trend in the development of the times. This article elaborates on the mechanism and key processes of cognitive outsourcing, and divides cognitive outsourcing into four types according to the different levels of support provided by external devices in terms of computing, perception, cognition and socialization during the cognitive outsourcing process. The core of effective cognitive outsourcing lies in the balance and effective connection of internal and external cognitive networks, as well as the understanding and generation of meaning, which requires people to possess some key abilities. In the field of education, if students lack sufficient and complete knowledge and corresponding key abilities in their own minds, cognitive outsourcing may lead them to fall into typical educational traps: mental laziness and infantilization, marginalization of cognitive status, loss of the subjectivity of development, superficial and fragmented cognition, and cognitive biases and extremism. To help students overcome these traps, it is necessary to promote in-depth teaching reforms guided by key competencies.