Title: Constructing an Embedded Service Ecosystem to Solve the Isolation Problem of Educational Public Service Platforms
Authors: Yu Shengquan, Liu Enrui
Keywords: Digital transformation of education, Educational public service platforms, Embedded service ecosystem, Service architecture, Vertical isolation.
Abstract: Currently, certain achievements have been made in the construction of China's educational public service system. However, there still exists the problem of two-way isolation in both vertical and horizontal directions among service platforms at different levels and of different types, which has hindered the in-depth development of the digital transformation of education. This paper proposes to take service computing as the core, organize various educational service components through a microservice architecture, form service-based workflows, and draw on the concept of information ecology to build an educational public service platform with embedded services that can operate sustainably. The construction and operation of the new generation of educational public service platforms can integrate new and old services and their supporting systems through paths such as reconstructing system functional services, building a data middle platform, sorting out core business processes, adopting a low-code customized development model, and constructing a multi-level collaborative mechanism based on the division of powers. Building a new smart educational service ecosystem with embedded services, oriented towards business flows, and featuring multi-agent collaboration can effectively solve the isolation problem of educational public service platforms.