Learning Science Laboratory--- Ms. Sha Tao

Sha Tao
Tele: 010-58808778
E-mail: taosha@bnu.edu.cn
Address: Institute of Brain and Cognitive Science, Beijing Normal University, No. 19 XinJieKouWai
Avenue, Beijing, P. R. China
Educational Background
1996-1999 PhD. in Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University
Research Interests
Children's cognitive and language development
Children with learning difficulties
Child and adolescent mental development characteristics and mechanisms of language learning cognitive
skills, learning difficulties and educational intervention under the Chinese cultural background
Publications (selectively presented as follows)
1. BranumMartin, L.,Tao, S.,Garnaat,S(in press). Bilingual Phonological
Awareness: Reexamining the Evidence for Relations within and across Languages.
Journal of Educational Psychology.
2. Peng, P., Tao, S.*, & Li, B. (2013). The deficit profile of working memory, inhibition, and updating in Chinese
children with reading difficulties. Learning and Individual Differences,25, 111–117.
3. Mi, L., Tao, S.*, Wang, W., Dong, Q., Jin, S. H., & Liu, C. *(2013). English vowel identification
in long-term speech-shaped noise and multi-talker babble for English and Chinese listeners.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(5), EL391-EL397.
4. Liu, C., Tao, S., Wang, W., & Dong, Q. (2012). Formant discrimination of speech and non-speech sounds for English and Chinese listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1
32(3), EL189-EL195.
5. Peng,P., Sun, C-Y., Li, B L., & Tao, S*. Phonological Storage and Executive Functions Deficits
in Children with Mathematics Difficulties.Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2012, 112, 452-466.
6. Branum-Lee, M., Tao,S., Francis, D. Meta-analysis of bilingual phonological awareness:
language, age, and psycholinguistic grain size. Journal of Educational Psychology, 2012, 104,932-944.
7. Sha Tao, Qi Dong, Michael W.Pratt, Bruce Hunsberger & S. Mark Pancer. Social Support:
Relations to Coping and Adjustment during the Transition to University. Journal of Adolescent
Research, 2000, 15, 123-144.
8. Sha Tao, Qi Dong. Only Children’s Anxiety and Depression during Transition to University in People’s
Republic of China. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies. 2000, 1:35-56.